The Church is the place where people gather together to worship God. It is a place of healing and restoration; a place where our faith is built up in Jesus Christ; a place where we are trained to reach the lost and dying of the world.
Bishop J. Louis Felton, Senior Pastor/Servant Leader
Bishop Ernest C. Morris, Sr., Founder and Jurisdictional Prelate
Mount Airy Church of God In Christ invites you to come and share the vision of our Senior Pastor, Bishop J. Louis Felton, as he teaches us to be not only saints of God, but also servants in the Kingdom of God.
We strive to assure that every family within the church's community will be challenged to share the good news of Jesus Christ. We strive to create a youth program, which will capture young people, lead them to Christ, and make a difference in their lives for the good.
Altar Flowers
Basketball (Sports Dept.)
Benevolence (Finance Committee)
Book Ministry (Youth)
Christian Education / MARTI
Christian Women's Council
Comforting Friends
Community Resource/Social Services
Congregational Care Ministers
Door to Door Ministry
Drama Ministry
Drum Line
Families in Transition
Family Vacation Bible School
Foster Parents Support
Food and Clothing (Food Bank)
Fulfillment (Singles)
Health Awareness (Nurses)
Helping Hands
Hooks 'n Needles
Hospitality - Adult & Youth
Intergenerational Youth Department
Lamb Feeders
Marriage Enrichment
Media Ministry
Men's Fellowship
Ministry of Pastoral Intercession
Mother's Board
Mount Airy Men
Mt Airy Christian Day School
Music Ministry
New Disciple Training
Nursing Home Ministry
Outreach Ministry
Personal Consultation (Counseling)
Praise Dancers - Teens
Praise Dancers - Adults/Children
Prayer Groups
Prison Ministry
Scholarship Committee
School of the Prophets
Senior Programs
Single Parents / New Directions
S.L.A.M. (Saved Ladies/Anointed Men)
Stenton Family Manor
Street Team Ministry
Sunday School
Survivors in the Spirit (Cancer Survivors)
Track and Field
Transportation Ministry
Urban Initiatives
Weddings Coordinators
Women Helping Women
Women's Fellowship
Young Women's Christian Council
Young Peoples Willing Workers
Youth Church